——————————————————————————————————————————————————————-This is a call for INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY International Human Rights Organizations and Dear Friends, Comrades, Press Members from all over the world; This is an urgent call from human rights defenders, activists, NGOs, professional chambers, grassroots, neighbourhood associations and Istanbulites. Since the 27th of May,Istanbulites from all social and political backgrounds and ages and from all over the city had been continuing a peaceful resistance in Gezi Park, the city’s largest public park, soon to be demolished due to a renewal project. According to the project, decades old trees in the park will be cut down and a big mall in the replica of the once Ottoman Artillery Barracks (Topçu Kışlası) will be erected:
To give solidarity to the protestors, hundreds arrived in the evening and the occupation movement got larger. Right afterwards, the second intervention came early in the morning of May 30th at 5 am, the riot police set fire to the tents and tear gas and pepper sprays were used incessantly, causing serious injuries:

At the moment brutal interventions against protestors continue, after the press call, while the group was leaving, it was pepper sprayed and tear gased once more! Literally, almost all parts of Taksim (where Gezi Park is) is tear gassed and pepper gas sprayed especially the streets around Taksim are under clouds of gas. Some moving pictures;
http://occupygezipics.tumblr.com/ And here is a short summary of incidents in four languages; Spanish, Italian, French and English;
Dear friends, we need nothing else to add, the scenes talk themselves.The resistance for democracy and human rights will not be terminated; we are determined to continue our struggle against a government determined to crush each and every oppositon, a government that can not tolerate even a peaceful opposition for saving trees.
The Turkish government, has violated all international human rights conventions and mechanisms it is a party to. Your valuable support and solidarity will indeed fortify our determination and resistance. Please share it, name it and shame it and blame it so that this insanity and brutality practiced against human rights defenders can be terminated through international pressure. Please also do take the time to write your discomfort to the President, Prime Minister and the Interior Ministry of Turkish Republic; Presidency, Abdullah Gul;
cumhurbaskanligi@tccb.gov.tr Prime Ministry, Recep Tayyip Erdogan;
bimer@basbakanlik.gov.tr Ministry of Interior, Muammer Guler;
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