Demonstration of employees in the Ministry of Commerce
Dozens of male and female workers of the Ministry of Commerce’s companies and sections organized an open sit-in at their work sites on Monday morning, 28/05/2013, after the expiry of the deadline set by the workers for the Minister to respond on their legitimate demands.
The sit-in included nine Iraqi provinces in various sectors of the ministry (food, grain, construction) noting that workers in the Ministry of Commerce had previously staged a demonstration weeks ago, asking the minister to respond to their demands.

The union councils and trade unions in Basra participated in the demonstration and raised banners that reflect the union fusion with the legitimate demands of the workers. Number of interviews with some TV channels has been conducted where the union representatives divided the demands into two divisions. Immediate demands, which is of the minister and the ministry departments authority, that require immediate answer, and long-term demands which is of the Council of Ministers authority to determine the time period of its implementation, and requires a work plan and follow-up over a period of time according to the priorities.
The workers in the Ministry of Commerce are just like the other workers in all institutions, depend for their livelihoods and the lives of their families on their salaries, and therefore it is a must to respond to their legitimate demands.

The demands filed by workers during the demonstration, and had been put through the media were:
- Return the two degrees of the salary scale that lifted by the ruler Bremer.
- Cancel the career sedation, and launch career promotions, according to the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 94 for the year 2010.
- Pay profession allowances.
- Pay overtime allowances.
- Pay the allowances of remote areas.
- Allocation of land plots for employees.
- Modify the food allowances.
- Pay the risk allowances, according to the work site.
Media Center
Federation of Workers Councils and Unions in Basra