Welcome to the Freedom of Expression and Press Campaign!
Who we are: We support the struggle for freedom of expression and freedom of the press in Iraq, and call on the the Iraqi government to respect international standards in these areas. In particular, the campaign supports local journalists by seeking to reform the Journalists’ Rights Law, which does not conform to international standards.
Our Challenge: Independent Iraqi journalists are working to amend the so-called “Journalists’ Rights Law” which describes the role of journalists as those working to promote the actions and policies of government authorities, thus threatening freedom of the press in Iraq. Working through the Iraqi Federal Court and the Parliament, journalists want to ensure that Iraq meets its international obligations, under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to guarantee that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression…freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
Objectives of the Campaign: In addition to amending the Journalists’ Rights Law, this campaign supports the aspirations and needs expressed in ongoing campaigns launched by Iraqi organizations and activists, specifically the release of Iraqi thinker Ahmed al-Qubbanji, who has been detained since 18 February 2013 in Iran by the Iranian intelligence service “Ettila’at”. And more generally, the campaign seeks to make information accessible about freedom of expression and press in Iraq.
Get involved:
- Stay up to date with the Latest News about our campaign’s actions promoting freedom of expression and press in Iraq.
- Sign the petition calling for the release of the Iraqi thinker Ahmed Al-Qubbanji from here.
- Documents and Resources relating to freedom of expression and of the press in Iraq.
- ‘Like’ our Campaign Page on Facebook and share it with friends.
- Follow us at #Freedom_of_Expression