The first memorandum of cooperation between Iraq and Lebanon environmental protection movements
Next to the first planted avocado tree in Lebanon, aged 100 years, a new page of shared struggle is created between the Iraqi and Lebanese environmental movements.
Because the environmental work requires to surpass the geographic and regional borderlines, those interested and active parties collaborate. Due to the environmental reality, in eastern Arabia region is similar to a degree. Humat Dijlah Association alongside with TERRE Liban entered a new stage in their collaboration, a first step to a series of shared work. two parties have signed the first environmental memorandum of understanding bringing together two civil society actors in Iraq and Lebanon.

One of the shared goals Humat Dijlah Association and their network (Water and Environment Protectors) and TERRE Liban believe and seek to achieve is raising awareness to the importance of environmental protection. Believing that constructive cooperation can help to achieve goals in the shortest ways, in lining with both movements visions in expanding to work with partners on regional and international level. In order to exchange knowledge, experiences and constructive cooperation. A first step to a series of shared work creating a cross-border solidarity assisted both movements struggle. And in the spring of 2019, the Regional Water Forum in Iraq played an important leading role in bringing the two parties and expanding cooperation prospects to signing this memorandum.
According to the memorandum, the collaboration included, working on placing strategic plans to respond and prepare for climate changes to limit its ramifications that threatens the social, economic and environmental security for both of the countries, region and the world in general. The both parties also collaborate in planning, building strategies and experiences exchange for the protection of the critical areas.
By hosting experts to conduct workshops in Iraq and Lebanon to research and discuss knowledge that is relevant to environment protection and to present the chances of enhancing the environment status that goes along with the available ability. In addition to conducting awareness activities in Iraq and Lebanon to promote using sustainable alternatives, environment-friendly materials, spread the principles of recycling and sustainable management of tailings.

The agreement included both parties to participate by providing consult, technical support to frame annual strategies for each other, to implement regional perspectives on the environmental struggle. Organizing cultural exchange programs in both countries to provide a knowledge experience that enriches the activists expertise for both movements, the cultural exchange program includes to experience all the daily work happenings and field visitation to the environmental sites. Both parties participate in environmental program writing aiming to get funding to implement projects on the regional level. Each party acts as the facilitator to reach the relevant organizations in its country, governmental bodies, and specialized local and international committees.
This strategic agreement will provide a chance to frame the environmental struggle to both countries in a regional dimension, encouraging other groups in the region to get involved to reach a social alliance that strives to protect the environment and water resources in the region.
To read the full agreement click here.
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