Join Us in Supporting the Peaceful/Nonviolent October Uprising in Iraq
Join Us, the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative, in Supporting the Peaceful/Nonviolent October Uprising in Iraq
The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative calls on the international community to show its solidarity with the peaceful/nonviolent October uprising in Iraq, sparked by the frustrations and hopes of Iraqi youth who are determined to create a better, more just and fair Iraq. Protestors are calling for jobs, an end to government corruption, and basic services. Authorities have responded to the peaceful demonstrations with violence. Those responsible for the deaths and injuries of protestors must be held accountable; all torture, imprisonment without charge, and forced false confessions must end.
What can you do to show solidarity with the October Iraqi uprising?
1. Share updates and publications about the intifada on community media. We need your voices with us! Use #WITH_IRAQIS
2. Donate money to support the uprising to buy helmets, masks and food for the courageous and steadfast young women and men who continue to demonstrate, despite risks to their own lives.
– If you are in Iraq, buy materials, go to Tahrir Square and deliver them directly to protesters in need.
– If you are in contact with NGOs or activists you trust in Iraq, send them money and ask them to buy needed materials.
– If you don’t have contacts in Iraq, to donate, wire us at this email: Icssi.project (at)
3. No matter where you are, stand with the demonstrators; at Iraqi embassies near you, in front of the headquarters of the United Nations or the European Union, in front of the media outlets that serve your community. Choose the place closest to you that can best make your voice heard, and be sure to work alongside Iraqis in your cities and towns. It is not important how many you are, any and all support is meaningful — and urgent!
4. Create materials in your own language to spread the news of the intifada among the citizens of your country. You can use the videos and pictures that we at ICSSI have published on our Facebook Page here: